Hopin is the community engagement company.

What do we mean by “community”?

Your community is everyone who engages with your brand.

Why community?

The way people connect and communicate online is changing.

Business News Daily

Word of mouth trumps traditional advertising


No one trusts advertising
or media

The Drum

The price of digital ads has skyrocketed

Marketing Tech

95% of businesses fear
recession, with marketing
budget cuts likely

The NY Times

The brilliance and weirdness of ChatGPT


Working From Home Is the Trend of the Year—And Next Year Too

Business Today

Elon Musk announces major changes in Twitter algorithm

Business News Daily

Word of mouth trumps traditional advertising


No one trusts advertising
or media

The Drum

The price of digital ads has skyrocketed

Marketing Tech

95% of businesses fear
recession, with marketing
budget cuts likely

The NY Times

The brilliance and weirdness of ChatGPT


Working From Home Is the Trend of the Year—And Next Year Too

Business Today

Elon Musk announces major changes in Twitter algorithm

Shifting toward community.


A better way to build a
brand: The community flywheel


Community-led growth is
the new product-led
growth strategy


How Duolingo, Figma, Notion, and Hubspot leveraged the power of community to scale fast


Why community could be the next big thing in marketing

First Round

Community is the new moat

The NY Times

In A.I. Race, Microsoft and Google Choose Speed Over Caution

First Round

Could MrBeast be the first YouTube Billionaire?


A better way to build a
brand: The community flywheel


Community-led growth is
the new product-led
growth strategy


How Duolingo, Figma, Notion, and Hubspot leveraged the power of community to scale fast


Why community could be the next big thing in marketing

First Round

Community is the new moat

The NY Times

In A.I. Race, Microsoft and Google Choose Speed Over Caution

First Round

Could MrBeast be the first YouTube Billionaire?

Growth has evolved.

Marketing-led growth

Content closes deals.

Product-led growth

Code closes deals.

Community-led growth

Connection closes deals.

Source: Dharmesh Shah, Hubspot

But how we engage our community is broken.

Why is engagement so low?

“Only 7% of employees claim they feel no Zoom fatigue at all.”


“A 1.2 second delay make people perceive you as less friendly or focused.”

“Only 36% of employees are engaged in the workplace.”


The problem is poor experiences.

Leading to low engagement.

The cost of poor experiences on your brand

Sources: Edelman Trust Barometer Report | HBR | Peerboard Statistics

There are better ways to engage your community.

Meet the Hopin Suite

The easiest way to create professional live streams, podcasts  and webinars.

The world’s leading virtual event platform.

The most interactive video meeting and workshops platform.

The simplest way to share videos online.

Coming soon.

What you can do with Hopin

Authentically connect
with your audience anywhere.

Virtual events

  • Conferences
  • Trade shows
  • Summits

Live streams

  • Multistreaming
  • Social broadcasts
  • Live shows


  • Podcasts
  • Video recording
  • Video sharing


  • Workshops
  • Training
  • Onboarding


  • All hands
  • Team meetings
  • Sales & CX


  • Firesides & AMAs
  • Meetups
  • Q&A Panels

Community is an unbundled event.

Read more

“We are in the business of community engagement.”

Johnny Boufarhat

Founder & CEO, Hopin


Connecting people is the heart of Hopin. All of our products bring people together around experiences.


We believe experiences can change careers, companies, markets, and even lives.


We love creating new ways for you to communicate with your customers through easy-to-use technology.


We want you to be able to reach and engage your audience from anywhere in the world.